Las Dunas

A study of the sand formations & dunes on the Canarian island of Fuertaventura.

​In the northeast corner of the island is the spectacular Parque Natural de las Dunas de Corralejo.
It is in stark contrast to the harsh, rocky interior of the island, with the occasional huge mountain rising
out of the ground.

Ilford FP4, Konica Big Mini BM-201

Ilford FP4, Konica Big Mini BM-201

Due to it being early in the holiday season much of the dunes were deserted, most of the other
holiday makers chose to forgo the strong winds and stay next to pool guzzling free beer.

Fuji Pro 400H (converted to B&W), Nikon F100, 50mm f1.8D

Fuji Pro 400H (converted to B&W), Nikon F100, 50mm f1.8D

These strong winds coming over the island from the Atlantic make the most fascinating ripples
and patterns in the off-white sand. ​Largely undisturbed apart from the odd rabbit or lizard, the tones
and gradients were perfect for black and white pictures.

Fuji Pro 400H (converted to B&W), Nikon F100, 50mm f1.8D

Fuji Pro 400H (converted to B&W), Nikon F100, 50mm f1.8D

Fuji Pro 400H (converted to B&W), Nikon F100, 50mm f1.8D

Fuji Pro 400H (converted to B&W), Nikon F100, 50mm f1.8D

​All photos are taken on 35mm film and developed by

Ilford FP4, Konica Big Mini BM-201

Ilford FP4, Konica Big Mini BM-201